What Is An Egg Tray Drying Line?

If you are going to sell eggs, you are going to need to create cartons for them to be in so that you can keep them safe. Eggs are probably the most fragile commodity that you can ship, and therefore you need a quality carton to keep them intact while in transit. You will need to purchase a pulp molding system, or work with a company that offers this ability, to create egg trays in mass quantities. If you have a large egg farm, you will definitely need one of these systems producing egg trays for you, and part of that system is called an egg tray drying line. 

egg tray drying line

How Do They Make Egg Trays?

The egg tray dryer machine is able to make egg trays by simply taking fibrous materials, usually in a slush form of pulp made from either regular wood or recycled materials. Once this is in a liquid form, it can then be poured into molds that are made to specifications for the eggs that you will produce. As we all know, eggs come in many different sizes. Starting with small, going all the way up to extra large. Different sized molds must be made and poured so that once the eggs are separated, they can easily be put into the trays in order to ship them to their destinations.

How Long Does It Take?

From start to finish, it could take several hours beginning with the creation of the pulp, pouring it into the mold, and then placing the finished product on an egg tray drying line. It may take several minutes to fully dry the pulp before it can be removed from the molds and used. They can come in different colors, and also different materials, so you need to choose a company that is versatile enough to provide you with what you want. They should be able to make any size that you want, in regard to the size of the eggs, and also whether or not you would like to have six, 12, or 18 eggs in a single carton. Also, we have many types of egg tray machines for sale.

How Much Will It Cost?

egg tray and apple trayTo have one of these pulp molding systems delivered, this could be tens of thousands of dollars, even more if it is for a large-scale egg production company. If you literally have thousands of chickens that are producing eggs every day, you will need the largest can is impossible that can keep up with the demand of not only your chickens, but your customers that are looking for eggs. Best of all, when you are shipping, you won’t have to worry about the condition of the eggs if you have purchased, or if you are working with, a quality pulp molding business. They should fit snugly around all of the eggs that you produce, as long as they are separated properly, and you can begin to expand your business exponentially as you increase egg production. 

Now that you know what an egg tray drying line is, you should consider getting one for your business if it is growing quickly, or you should at least find someone that can produce egg cartons for you per your specifications. Find more from this: https://eggtraymakingmachine.net/pulp-molding-machine/.Once you have it set up to where they are being created, or being delivered, you will be able to make more money with your business.